Monthly Sale of Fly Ash

Dear Business Partners,

the company ČEZ Energetické produkty, s.r.o. is pleased to announce that t has commenced the tender for the sale of fly ash EN 450 for the monthly period, and up from the month of December 2016 end of November 2017.

A list of sources and their production that is intended to sell through this tender proces in May 2017 (01.05.2017-31.05.2017) will be published on April 19 and the Offers will be evaluated on April 26.

Please, write on a sealed envelope "“Měsíční soutěž na prodej popílku – 2015/2016 – NEOTEVÍRAT” (Monthly Tender for Sale of Fly Ash 2016/2017 – DO NOT OPEN), and identify the Month (e.g. “LEDEN 2017”, i.e. JANUARY 2017)".


TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS  "Monthly Sale of Fly Ash – 2016/2017".